Playwright, Author, Actor, Director, Broadway Veteran and RPAC Founder & Artistic Director Mark Ruhala has created and offers a detailed curriculum and study course for students of all ages, young actors, amateur or professional that consists of classes and instruction in a variety of acting techniques and methods. Focused primarily on the Meisner Method of Acting, other methods are introduced and studied as well, thereby giving any acting/theater student a well-rounded skill level for which to pursue the craft.
Ruhala Performing Arts Center offers many unique opportunities to perform in ensemble groups, thereby giving RPAC students the opportunity to practice their craft and receive invaluable feedback from a live audience. From 5 to 105! Ruhala Performing Arts Center has the acting instruction and training for you!
Teacher: Celina Ruhala
Students will learn the fundamentals of acting in this class: diction, projection, stage presence, stage directions, working off their partner, basic script work and improvisation. Many exercises in the class come from the acting work of theater practitioner Sanford Meisner. The aim is always to discover natural impulses combined with emotional truthfulness. Students will gain confidence, poise and good public speaking skills in this acting course. This is an excellent course for beginning actors who want to get a taste for acting through actors with more experience who want to hone their skills!
Age: 5-12
Teacher: Mark & Celina Ruhala
Students will learn the basics of acting: diction, projection, stage presence, stage directions, working off their partner, basic script work and improvisation. The aim is always to discover natural impulses combined with emotional truthfulness. Scene work and monologue work will be introduced and taught through the axiom “acting is the reality of doing in imaginary circumstances” students will gain confidence, poise and good public speaking skills in this acting course.
Teacher: Mark & Celina Ruhala
Here’s where you can really have fun! Perform your characters and learn how to make them funnier and more dramatic! We play many theater games and learn why “yes, and” is the basic rule of Improv. This is a safe and supportive class to try new things and enjoy being free. In school we think before we act, in Improv we act before we think! We use music and pantomime and props to bring lots of characters into scenes. Learn how to create a good scene that entertains and cracks up an audience! Come jump in and have some fun. Improv is for everybody!
Performing Group
Ages Teen/Adults
Teacher: Celina Ruhala
The Ruhala Acting Ensemble will train actors for performance. Using Meisner technique as it’s foundation, the training will develop in-depth listening and spontaneous reacting in scene work. The work will move into rehearsals and the production of a Broadway play. Actors will learn more than just craft; they will learn the successful strategies for a career in acting, what it takes, and how to move into the business when it is time. The Ensemble team spirit is essential for great performances and will be cultivated throughout along with the joy of performing. No audition is required but a real intent to learn and participate fully is expected.
“Thank you so much for inviting me tonight. I was seriously blown away by the talent." ~ Mark Dodak
Teacher: Mark Ruhala
Performers often need a good demo reel today for auditions and to send to agents and casting directors. Come learn about what a demo reel is, why it is important for performers, and finally how to make an effective demo reel that will get you jobs and get you noticed. At the end of this course you will create a demo reel under our guidance and you will have a great product to take away with you. We will supply the knowledge, the experience and the videographer to tape and edit your reel. You bring your enthusiasm and good work!
Age: 5-10
Teacher: Mark Ruhala
If a child performer has a demo reel, he/she will have a leg up. Kids who want to audition and get their personalities out to agents and casting directors are well served to have a demo reel which will highlight their work and stage presence. In this class kids will learn about what a demo reel is, why it can be important to have, and how to make a good reel. At the end of this class the students will know all about demo reels and will have the experience of creating a reel for themselves.Students will walk away with a great product that will serve their young performing careers well.
Age: 5-8
Ruhala Performing Arts Center classes are fun-filled explorations of movement, space, song, rhythm, and dramatic storytelling. Simple structured improvisations allow the children to be themselves and follow their natural impulses within the group, social setting. The learning is experimental, with gentle guidance from the instructor. Imagination abounds in this special time for children to express themselves.
Classes in Ballet and Jazz offered for BOYS ONLY in an atmosphere of encouragement, athletics, and self-confidence.
For Boys only! This class will create a safe space for boys to experience dance, expression, and performing. Much of the work will relate to sports and will help young athletes develop their agility and coordination. High energy exercises and fun routines and games will provide the foundation for the boys to explore and gain new knowledge. Acting Improv games open the boys imagination and provide a really fun way to make new friends.
Home-Schoolers are already on the path to self-reliance and creative living. The performing arts are a way into further creative right-brain activity which balances the academics.
Classes include:
Bring your self, your child, friends, or a group, and come enjoy the freedom and esteem building of the performing arts.
Performing Group
Ages 6 to Adults
Teacher: Mark Ruhala
Ruhala Performance Ensemble will produce two Broadway musicals to be performed in winter and spring.
Ensemble members will learn musical theatre performance technique and then put it into action in performances.
Multi-age educational settings have proven to be an effective strategy to create unique learning opportunities as many progressive schools, including Montessori, have demonstrated. From Broadway shows to community theatre, children and adults have worked successfully for many generations. I can attest from my own work: in New York I directed performance ensembles with children 6 years old on up to 63 year old adults: the wholesome work was nothing short of inspiring. No audition is required but a strong work ethic and a real desire to learn is a must.
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