Private lessons at Ruhala offer you a chance to get individual instruction for your specific needs: Singing, Acting, Dance, Improv, Auditions, and even Focus techniques using the Ruhala Method of brain/body connections. Be sharp! Be efficient! Be at the top of your game! Study one-on-one and soar to your best!
We offer individual lessons or discounted packages or either 10 half-hour lessons or 5 full-hour lessons. We ask that students tape the lessons and to practice at home regularly. Come try a private lesson and experience for yourself the many incredible benefits of personal instruction!
Beginners to Advanced,
ages 5+
Sing your best today! We can take your voice and transform it with a very unique approach to singing called Controlled Relaxation Technique. Nothing replaces the weekly voice lessons that serious singers take. These lessons keep the singer in their best voice, ready to audition or perform, and constantly developing their singing skills.
Often dancers need to tweak specific skills from class whether pirouettes, leaps, proper placement, musical phrasing, tap steps or other individual needs. Private lessons in dance are used to address the needs and desires of the dancer. The combination of dance classes with private instruction is a winner. Supplement your training with one-on-one instruction and leap to the stars!
Whether working on monologues or basic acting technique, private lessons for an actor can enrich and round out skills needed for the stage. Often actor use private lessons to work on monologues to have ready for auditions, or they want to get that intense one-on-one feedback while diving deeper into the emotional truth of a scene. Have issues you are working on in your acting? Find solutions with private instruction and aim for your next award winning performance!
Never go to an audition without getting professional instruction. If you really want the job and role then use your resources and get individualized coaching to achieve your goals and dreams. Audition coaching is the single best way to help yourself land a part! Get help choosing the right song or monologue. Learn how to show your absolute best in a short few minutes. Fine tune your performance so your audition uniquely shines. Learn audition technique and become the star you want to be!
Work on your standup routine, open your imagination, get coaching on your writing and performance, become more impulsive and spontaneous and let your improvisations rip and roar!Expert instruction on how to take your standup to the next level!
Using proven methods of brain/body connections that allow for greater self-control, learning to have a stronger focus will help anyone succeed! Struggling in school? – Ruhala will shift the focus and change the outcome. Whatever your personal needs are, Ruhala will sit down with you and create an individualized program to create goals and address the needs, and get the job done. Try one session and feel the difference! Try ten sessions and watch the change! Focus is crucial for success and Ruhala will help you achieve the focus you want!
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