Whether you are interested in singing for fun or as a profession; the Music Program here at RHAC has the classes, the instruction,
the teachers, and the experience for you!
What is more fun than to sing and dance while we’re young! This is where it happens! Our Glee classes are so fun and energizing, full of spontaneous joy and life. Continuous development of the fundamental acting, singing and movement skills of Broadway musical theatre are the focus. Group songs and scenes are staged and ensemble energy and unity are the teaching focus. Projection, diction and stage presence are emphasized in solo work. Songs, dances, monologues and scenes are selected from the broad range of classic and contemporary Broadway to give these youngsters firsthand experience with their favorite works. Ruhala Holistic Arts Center Musical Theatre classes are ideal training grounds for the future Broadway Ensemble.
Sing your best today! We can take your voice and transform it with a very unique approach to singing called Controlled Relaxation Technique. Nothing replaces the weekly voice lessons that serious singers take. These lessons keep the singer in their best voice, ready to audition or perform, and constantly developing their singing skills. Singing is a muscular activity and we use our bodies in ways to release our voice and free it to open and express ourselves while musically entertaining our audiences. Individual lessons or 10 lesson discounted packages are available. Students are asked to tape the lessons and to practice at home regularly. Come try a private lesson and experience for yourself the many incredible benefits of personal instruction!
The Broadway Ensemble is a wonderfully intense twice-a-week training program for students interested in taking their training to the next level. This program aims to create triple threat performers who excel equally in singing, acting, and dance. It is a well rounded learning experience that opens the imaginations and creativity of each student. Best of all, the students become like a family and have harmonious relationships that often create BFF’s. The twice a week study culminates in Broadway show performances. At the end of each session there will be additional rehearsals scheduled for the show. Although, not required the majority of students in the Broadway Ensemble take Private voice lessons. Often the Broadway Ensemble also performs in special community events such as Silverbells.
Growth and development are essential features of this hard working fun process. All levels welcomed!
Your training definitely works, because it has been so fun to watch all of the actors continue to improve their varied skills during the past three years. There is some amazing talent developing in this Ensemble!
~ Lori Langone, Broadway Ensemble parent
This class is for anyone at any level interested in learning basic skills to advance skills – each student will be taught from their level. Advanced singers can use the class to workshop new songs and get lots of performing experiences. Beginners will have a great start from this class. Come and let your voice ring out!
Voice instruction focuses on proper use of the vocal instrument, dance classes focus on technique and choreography, acting lessons focus on truthful, emotional reality, and Improv classes are sheer fun while reacting quickly, intelligently, and effortlessly.
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