Broadway veteran Mark Ruhala directs this unique opportunity, not available anywhere in the greater Lansing area. Broadway Ensemble is both a training company as well as a performance ensemble. Elsewhere one can get training or one can get into a show, but not a performance based training program with shows built in.
Many students, and older performers stay on with and continue training and performing with the Ensemble. Members range in age from 7 years old through teens and adults. The multi age setting makes for unique learning opportunities. The training is always directed to the individual, hence, the training never stops. The group instruction is within the individual instruction, i.e. all individual instruction is in the public group setting so everyone learns from each other's work and instruction. Group principles about performing are also taught for the Ensemble to cohere and bond in ways that Ensemble performing requires. In essence, Ensemble work is team work. One learns to be both selfless when needed and self concerned when appropriate.
In Ensemble performing the show is chosen after the performers (students) are registered. This is the opposite of picking a show first and casting it second, as all local theaters do. By casting first, and choosing the show secondly, the cast takes precedence over the show and the show is chosen to suit the needs and strength of the cast. Only in this Ensemble setting do performers get show material chosen specifically for their training. This is a huge advantage for Ruhala performers.
Ruhala performing method is based in Meisner acting technique combined with traditional musical theater character driven technique. Performers learn how to achieve honest performances grounded in authentic characters.
Ruhala teaches Controlled/Relaxation Vocal Technique originated by renowned vocal coach David Sorrin Collyer. This technique offers a healthy, habit based approach to singing that nurtures the individual, authentic voice of each singer. With an open throat, and full-throttle singing, a robust Broadway sound is achieved. By viewing the voice as one instrument, driven by muscles, with a higher and lower register, and not separating it into head and chest voice and various other conventional ways of approaching the voice, Controlled/Relaxation singers have a holistic sense of singing and perform with the confidence and composure of a well trained instrument. Most Ensemble members study private voice instruction once a week to supplement their training needs; this is invaluable for their growth and development as singers.
Ruhala dance training and choreography comes from the foundation of theatre dance: clean technique combined with emotionally driven stylized character dances. Having danced on Broadway, Ruhala brings first hand knowledge of what it takes.
Ruhala Broadway Ensemble meets twice a week for ninety minutes of class/rehearsals. Extra rehearsal time is offered toward the end of the show process at no extra charge. Work outside of class is expected. Performers/Students register for Session 1 (Sept. - Jan.) and/or Session 2 (Jan. - May). Each Session concludes with public performances of a Broadway show or revue. Ruhala has been working with this format for thirty plus years.
Ruhala Center invites any performers who have a strong desire to learn and grow, combined with a passion to perform, who would like to work with a team doing Broadway Ensemble song-and-dance shows.
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